Category: KmikeyM

  • Money – Chapter 1

    Money – Chapter 1

    These are my notes for the K5M Book Club on the book Money, by Jacob Goldstein. Author’s Note Jacob’s aunt Janet seems rad. A poet with an MBA feels like an intellectually dangerous person in the most interesting way: Money is fiction. It was never there in the first place. This made me think of cryptocurrency!…

  • WATCHMIKE: A TV Control Experiment

    WATCHMIKE: A TV Control Experiment

    Update The WATCHMIKE remote control experiment is now live at Background On September 13th 2020 I posted a question to weejee about updating my rule on not watching superhero fare. In the original proposal from 2017 I had included a clause that allowed me to go back and watch any movie that won a…

  • CTRL ALTZ: Magic Cards

    CTRL ALTZ: Magic Cards

    When shareholder Kyle Barry told me he was presenting at the 2020 Shareholder Conference on investing in Magic cards I asked if he had any for sale. He sold me a Taiga, which is now part of my Alternative Assets portfolio.

  • Drink Tracking

    Drink Tracking

    I was definitely drinking too much the first few weeks of the stay-at-home order, but it wasn’t really a problem. I rarely felt the effects the next day and I didn’t start until at least 5pm. On the other hand, alcohol is poison, and as a publicly traded person there are health implications to having…

  • Nail Biting: Day 4

    Nail Biting: Day 4

    The vote to paint my nails this coral/orange color passed on the 10th of April and Kathryn painted my nails the approved color on the 11th. It’s been four days and I have not had a single instance of nail biting. So far so good.

  • How To KmikeyM

    How To KmikeyM

    In 2008 I launched a market and sold shares in myself. I also asked my shareholders for advice, and they voted with the power of the shares they had bought, giving me a clear course of action whenever I was unsure of something. The project is called KmikeyM, which is an abbreviation of K. Michael…

  • 2020 Shareholder Conference

    2020 Shareholder Conference

    On Saturday, May 16th from 12:00PM – 2:00PM PT, KmikeyM we held the first annual K5M Shareholder Conference. A free and completely virtually video conference! This conference, known as K5M Con 2020, was an opportunity to share the collective knowledge of the shareholder community and review the last year of KmikeyM. It was a time…

  • The Eleven Point Strategy Results

    The Eleven Point Strategy Results

    During the first week of the stay-at-home order I was refreshing the news and generally feeling down. Thankfully, by talking with Kathryn and writing my thoughts out I was able to detect my own malaise and form a plan. For two weeks I tried to complete eleven different tasks, which kept me occupied and busy…

  • Zoom Checkin

    Zoom Checkin

    We’re having semi-regular Zoom meetings with shareholders! Install Zoom and here is the login info for the next meeting: Next Meeting:Time: Apr 9, 2020 6:30pm (Pacific Time) ID: 729 751 7576 Previous Meetings Apr 2, 2020 01:00 PMMarch 25th at 5:00pm

  • The Publicly Traded Person is Down

    The Publicly Traded Person is Down

    I had a Zoom conversation with a few friends last week and we talked about feeling like we have all this time but no energy to do anything. This past weekend I was pretty depressed and it took me a while to realize it.  I think of myself as an optimistic person, so I’m usually…

  • Mike for Bernie

    Mike for Bernie

    The vote to endorse a candidate in the 2020 presidential election passed with 61% approval. The vote for which candidate to endorse was for Bernie Sanders with 52%. Mar 1, 2020: This morning I donated $5 to the Sanders’ campaign and I tweeted my endorsement. Mar 2, 2020: I purchased a t-shirt and a fridge…

  • How weejee Works

    How weejee Works

    When we built KmikeyM I modeled the voting system on shareholder resolutions, which usually present an argument and allow shareholders to vote “For” or “Against”. One of the differences we’ve discovered in being a publicly traded person has been the need for multiple choice questions. So we built weejee (well, to be fair, Aaron built…