• The 3 Miracles

    The 3 Miracles

    Kathryn and I have been working on the if/come project and one of the things Kathryn said that deserves it’s own post is the three miracles in Hollywood: Miracle 1: 💰 You get paid. And beyond just getting paid, we’re talking about getting paid to work on your idea. Because most of the work you do is for…

  • Space Gambling

    Space Gambling

    Star Trek: The Next Generation is famously Gene Roddenberry’s utopian fantasy of a world without money (listen to this Marketplace episode, or read Manu Saadia’s Trekonomics or The Economics of Star Trek by Rick Webb).  This idea got sidestepped in ST:DS9 with a deep dive into Ferengi culture and their love of “latinum”, but staying within TNG for a minute, how…

  • 1000 Episodes

    1000 Episodes

    To celebrate reaching 1000 episodes of the 3 Minute Review podcast we turned the microphone on a few of our listeners. Getting to 1000 3 Minute Review started back in 2019 as a movie review podcast. This was in a special time for seeing movies in the theater and we enjoyed blockbusters like Hobbes &…

  • Election for Board Seats

    Election for Board Seats

    This is a record of the first election for the shareholder elected seats on the Board of Directors. The Process The election will happen in three parts. Part 3: The Final Vote The final vote ended after a live interactive elimination event on Sunday, July 14th 2024 at 2pm. The remaining three candidates, Beau Gunderson,…

  • The Board of Directors

    The Board of Directors

    This post will be updated as the board of directors is built out and defined. Last updated August 6, 2024. We will soon incorporate Membership Shares as approved by shareholder vote, and as part of that initiative we are also creating tiered levels of support to create a sustainable base for KmikeyM. These tiers will…

  • How I’m Using ChatGPT

    How I’m Using ChatGPT

    It took me a while to figure out how to use AI tools as something more than just a fun distraction. I mean, initially the fun distraction part was REALLY fun and REALLY distracting. I was building out whole universes with ChatGPT and following characters families through generations. What I’ve found with using AI though…

  • 📧 Build Week 2024

    📧 Build Week 2024

    Last year we made a bunch of changes to the main page, to how you can buy shares, created new alerts, and started experimenting with Policy Votes.  This year the focus is on building out features to make KmikeyM more sustainable, including adding the new Membership Shares proposal that passed with 81% approval.  Due to some availability constraints we’re…

  • Playing With Corporate Control

    Playing With Corporate Control

    After the success of the Membership Shares proposal let’s look at how corporations use share classes to maintain total control of their companies. After looking at Meta and Alphabet I was curious how much control Zuckerberg actually has. So I made a chart of all the shares of Meta and the corresponding voting power. 83%…

  • 📧 Membership Shares

    📧 Membership Shares

    Well, hello shareholders but mostly non-shareholders. I have 1,194 shareholders but there are 3,582 people subscribed to this list. I expect many of those people have created an account on KmikeyM, and some may have bought and sold in the past, and maybe they’re just waiting for the price to drop… but the majority of…

  • AAR: South Sea Bubble Video

    AAR: South Sea Bubble Video

    I like to do an AAR on projects. Most people I’ve worked with on projects are afraid of an AAR because it highlights the flaws and limits of their success (more here). What Happened What was supposed to happen? My plan was to make a 3-5 minute video about the South Sea Bubble and then…

  • 📧 New Policies For Shareholder Control

    📧 New Policies For Shareholder Control

    As part of an ever-refining attempt to perfect experiment with my own process as a publicly traded person I’m updating the Policy Votes! The idea behind Policy Votes is “always-on” votes that change based on new information. Every three months I’m going to highlight these polices and encourage updates (and also add new ones!). Work projects are kicking back…

  • 2024 Q1 Policy Votes

    2024 Q1 Policy Votes

    At the beginning of 2023 I started to experiment with “always on” policy votes. These votes represent some aspect of my life that is controlled by shareholders, but rather than a single vote the votes can shift and change at any time. I wrote about the start of this experiment with the launch of my…