KmikeyM Quick Start Guide

Welcome to KmikeyM, the world’s first publicly traded person! This guide will help you get started as a shareholder who can influence the real-life decisions of Mike Merrill, engage with the community of other shareholders, and shape the future of KmikeyM.

1. The Basics

KmikeyM is a crowd-based decision-making engine that controls the choices of a real person. You get shares in Mike Merrill, vote on key decisions, participate in discussions, and strategize ways with other players to influence his actions. Your goal? Maximize your influence and shape the direction of Mike’s life and projects. Beyond that, it’s up to you!

What You Need to Start

2. Getting Your First Shares

  1. Sign up at and create your account.
  2. Earn Shares by collaborating with Mike Merrill.
  3. Go to the Market and check the current share price.
  4. Purchase shares to gain voting power. More shares = more influence.
  5. Sell Shares to gain funds and play the market.
  6. Monitor the market, as prices fluctuate based on activity and demand.

3. Understanding Votes & Influence

Holding shares allows you to vote on major decisions. Here’s how:

  1. Check the Active Votes – See what decisions are currently open.
  2. Research & Discuss – Join the KmikeyM Discord to debate strategy with other shareholders.
  3. Cast Your Vote – Use your shares to influence the outcome.
  4. Lobby and Influence – Post your reasons for your choice to influence others.
  5. Watch for Results – Once a vote closes, Mike acts on the decision.

4. Key Mechanics

  • Shareholder Proposals: Suggest new votes and initiatives.
  • Buy & Sell Shares: Trade based on strategic moves and market trends.
  • Narrative & Strategy: Align with factions or form coalitions for influence.
  • KmikeyM Projects: Get involved in Mike’s real-world ventures (like Hamburger Business Review).

5. Advanced Mode

  • Become a Power Shareholder – Accumulate shares to gain major voting power.
  • Join the Board of Directors – If you have enough influence, shape long-term strategy.
  • Leverage Events & Partnerships – Participate in shareholder summits and exclusive projects.
  • Market Manipulation? – Predict strategic votes and trade shares accordingly.

6. Next Steps

  • Join the Discord – Engage with the community.
  • Read the Blog & Newsletter – Stay updated on key decisions, leave comments and build alliances.
  • Propose Changes – Shape the game from the inside by suggesting new votes and features. Build support from shareholders to enact change.
  • Experiment & Play – Your choices impact a real-life person!

Welcome to KmikeyM. Your influence starts now!



